
#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Concern about the increase in attacks of various kinds against members of UDEFEGUA

UDEFEGUA members

Unit for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders en Guatemala- (UDEFEGUA)

Protection of human rights defenders

Attacks experienced
Attack on life and physical integrity, Sabotage, Threats, Defamation, Intimidation, Surveillance, Cybernetic attack, Following members

On November 21st, UDEFEGUA, a member organization of the Driving Group of IM-Defensoras, issued an Urgent Action Alert expressing increasing concern over attacks aimed at the organization and its members.

According to UDEFEGUA, 58 of the attacks documented in the Alert have to do with their work in accompanying cases related to Transitional Justice and Territorial Resistance against the imposition of extractive projects, as well as their accompaniment of journalists and social communicators who have undergone attacks.

UDEFEGUA’s work has been fundamental in the effort to guarantee conditions of respect for human rights in Guatemala. It is no accident that this organization has gained high prestige and an ability to make an impact both regionally and internationally. It is a global reference point for the protection of human rights defenders, and its background is one of the most important assets in designing Comprehensive Protection strategies for IM-Defensoras.

Therefore, we demand that the government of Guatemala guarantee the security of all UDEFEGUA members, as well as conditions in which the organization can continue to pursue its work normally, and we hold the State responsible for any harmful incident that might befall its members.

We also call on all international organizations and entities to express their solidarity with UDEFEGUA and to stay on the alert for developments in this situation.

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