#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Anti-rights groups attack peaceful ‘Somos Muchas’ encampment

"Somos Muchas"

Sexual and reproductive rights

Attack experienced
Attack, intimidation

THE FACTS – On Tuesday, April 25th, ‘Somos Muchas’ (We Are Many Women) called for a camp to be set up outside the National Congress of Honduras to demand the decriminalization of abortion on #3Grounds.

While the comrades were setting up the encampment, anti-rights groups associated with the National Party began to use violence against them. The response of these groups to the proposal of the comrades to open up a public debate on the issue of the decriminalization of abortion, was to push them up against the barrier set up by military troops. Behind the banner that they carried, they yelled that the comrades were “killers”; hurled trash, plastic bottles, water bags and eggs at them; and even went so far as to beat up some comrades.

We, of IM-Defensoras repudiate and condemn these attacks and demand that the government of Honduras comply with its obligation to guarantee the safety and security of the individuals and organizations that make up the ‘Somos Muchos’ network; we hold the government responsable for anything that may happen to them.

Moreover, we call on the international community to stay tuned to this situation.

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