#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Protection Measures Urgently Needed for Tatiana and Meyra Alemán and Other Witnesses in Case against Daniel Alemán

Tatiana and Meyra Alemán

“The Usual Suspects”

Right to access to justice, Youth rights

Attack experienced
No protection measures granted

THE FACTS – Tatiana and Meyra Alemán are, respectively, the sister and mother of young Daniel Alemán, arrested last January 10th on charges of “possession of drugs with intent to sell” by two agents of the National Civilian Police (PNC) now charged with judicial fraud for allegedly planting drugs on Alemán with the aim of bringing him to trial. Even though there are indications in an open case against the agents and it has been established that Daniel did not possess drugs, he is still being held prisoner and is now being prosecuted for the alleged ofenses of “extortion and “membership in a criminal structure.”

Tatiana and Meyra have sought supporting evidence that will prove Daniel’s innocence and his right to justice, and are now spokespersons for “The Usual Suspects,” given that Daniel’s case is not isolated. There are dozens of people in the country who are being prosecuted and criminalized simply for being young people who live in vulnerable situations in areas of conflicts.

On October 24th, Trial Court No. 1 in San Salvador suspended the lineup for the policemen accused of judicial fraude against Alemán, postponing it until November 22nd. Six people, including Tatiana and Meyra, have been summoned to make statements as witnessses. Although they have requested protection measures since the very beginning of the case, the Federal Prosecutor has refused to grant them. Neither has the Human Rights Ombudsman been willing to grant the measures requested ever since the beginning of October, thereby leaving six persons in a situation of risk and vulnerability.

We of IM-Defensoras join in the call sent out by the Salvaroran Network of Women Defenders to ensure that the públic institutions charged with the protection of women defenders and their right to defend the innocence of their son and brother, grant them the measures requested in order to protect their lives and their right to defend the right to justice and the presumed innocence of Daniel.

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