#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / New death threats, intimidation and harassment against Rosalina Domínguez of COPINH

Rosalina Domínguez


Defense of the land, territory and natural assets

Death threats, intimidation, harassment

THE FACTS – On Wednesday night, July 31st, ex DESA employees threatened Rio Blanco community leader Rosalina Domínguez with a machete when she was returning to her home with a comrade and 2 girls.

According to information provided by COPINH, the assailants blocked their way, threatening them with a machete and saying, “You’re not getting by here.” They also said, “She´s a witch just like Berta,” referring to Berta Cáceres, with whom Rosalina had a very close relationship. Berta was assassinated by hired killers associated with DESA in 2016. In the face of the threats, Rosalina and her companions were obliged to cut through a pasture, causing one of the girls to fall and hurt her ribs.

As we reported in a #WHRDAlert last April, Rosalina had been subjected to death threats, but even though the attacks had been denounced, the responsible authorities had failed to act on them.

In view of these repeated, systematic attacks and the failure of the State to do anything about them, we are extremely concerned about Rosalina’s risk situation. Accordingly, we of IM-Defensoras and the National Network of Women Human Rights Defenders call on the international comunity to shield the defender and COPINH, to denounce the acts against them, and to demand security guarantees for Rosalina and the other members of the organization.

We hold the Honduran government responsible for any attack whatsoever against the life or physical and moral integrity of Rosalina Domínguez.

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