#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Cyber harassment, misogynous insults, and smear campaign in social networks against journalists Diana Arias and Carmen Rodríguez

Diana Arias and Carmen Rodríguez

Defense of freedom of the press

Attacks experienced
Cyber harassment, misogynous insults, and smear campaign in social networks

THE FACTS – Last November 12, the anonymous twitter account known as “Brozo” assailed journalists Diana Arias and Carmen Rodríguez of the digital newspaper Voz de Diáspora, using misogynous insults to discredit their recent publication of an investigation regarding the harassment of women journalists and communicators involving the Director of Grupo Megavisión, Roberto Hugo Preza.

We of IM-Defensoras and the Salvadoran Network of Women Human Rights Defenders hereby express our solidarity with the journalists of the Voz de la Diáspora and the Association of Journalists in general, whose work is significant in visibilizing the reality faced by maligned persons and in constructing a social dialogue.

We demand that the State guarantee the protection of Carmen Rodríguez and Diana Arias. We also join in the denunciation and support the investigation of attacks against women communicators and journalists.

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