#UrgentAlert NICARAGUA / Government aligned forces attack women journalists through smear campaigns, hate speech and threats of sexual violence

Women journalists working in independent media with a critical approach to the government have denounced that they are being subjected to different types of attacks due to their work, and that these have been heavier during the past month.

Among the attacks denounced are smear campaigns, naming, and hate speech in social networks, as well as explicit threats of sexual violence in private messages. In some cases, the threats have also referred to family members

Due to the serious nature of these attacks and threats, the journalists prefer to stay anonymous for security reasons. Nevertheless, they believe it is important to denounce them in order to highlight the serious violations that they imply for the freedom of expression of those engaged in independent journalism in the country, and for the right to information of the Nicaraguan people.

We of IM-Defensoras condemn these attacks and extend our solidarity to the journalists affected. We hold the Nicaraguan government responsible for any attempt against the physical, moral or psychological integrity of the journalists and their families.

Likewise, we call on the international community to take a stand in solidarity with them and to stay alert to the situation in Nicaragua, where fundamental rights such as those of freedom of expression, the right to information, the right to political participation and the right to defend rights have been systematically and repeatedly violated, and where defenders of these rights face serious risks to their security and personal integrity.

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