[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / With slander and false accusations, a smear campaign is launched against Anaís Palacios in the state of Veracruz.

Teresa Anaís Palacios Pérez

Mexican Institute for Human Rights and Democracy

The right to truth, justice and reparations; sexual and reproductive rights; and a life free from violence

THE FACTS – During the first week of June, action has been taken to disparage the work of the human rights defender Teresa Anaís Palacios Pérez, who is widely recognized for her accompaniment of collectives and family members of disappeared persons in the state of Veracruz.

In this state, well-known for having the largest clandestine cemetery in Latin America, mothers, sisters and family members of disappeared persons have joined forces with women defenders acting in solidarity with disappeared persons; as a result, they all face threats, attacks, defamation, disparagement, and smear campaigns orchestrated by the very authorities that should be guaranteeing the search for and location of hundreds of people who are not with their families.

It is important to note that, since 2014, Teresa Anaís Palacios has been a beneficiary of measures granted by the Mechanism for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, due to the attacks she has suffered for carrying on her work.

This most recent attack against Teresa Anaís Palacios not only damages her image and prestige, but also represents a threat to her security, integrity and the free exercise of her commitment to the search for disappeared persons in Veracruz. For this reason we of IM-Defensoras and the National Network of Women Human Rights Defenders in Mexico urge federal authorities and those of the state of Veracruz to comply with their obligation to guarantee the security of the defender and put an end to the smear campaign against her.

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