We were at EFLAC!

“Power, power
Peoples power
Strive with the sister
that you care for most…”

The Feminist Meeting of Latin America and the Caribbean (EFLAC) came to an end but left us filled with dignified rage and hearts overflowing with joy. With the Feminist Holistic Protection (FHP) activated, we’ll tell you a little about what we experienced during those powerful days.

In the Area 3 Assembly, entitled Caring for Our Movements in Times of Crisis and Authoritarianism, we analyzed the forms of violence that place our daily lives at risk along with our struggles as feminist activists and women defenders, and acknowledged experiences of collective protection, care, and healing in our territories. During our conversation, we also focused on Feminist Holistic Protection, talking about what it is and how it has developed.

Together with the Urgent Action Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean (UAF-LAC) and the Promotion Commission of the Latin American Meeting of Healers, we shared our experience of the last three years regarding teachings, experiences, and reflections on what we, together with our movements, have learned about healing.

We know that the struggle continues and that nothing can stop us now. We’re invincible! We will continue to honor the memory of those who were taken from us, raising our voices to denounce the violence of those who seek to silence us. We know our power is transformative, so we will never let go of the joy, dignity, and freedom that are ours. We hope to conspire with you at our next EFLAC meeting!

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