On wednesday October 30, 2024 at 9:50 a.m. Central American time, the National Police of Honduras arbitrarily detained our compañera and human rights defender, Melissa Martínez, member of the Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña (OFRANEH).
After participating in the National Meeting of WHRDs of Honduras, held in the Centro de Saberes Ancestrales Garífunas Hachari Wayunagu in Trujillo, she was going back to her community when at the police post of La Ceiba, Atlántida they detained their transport to check her bags without the presence of any of the passengers. The defender opposed this check and demanded to be present while they checked their belongings. Due to this, she was detained and they took away her mobile phone. Also, they threatened to detain another OFRANEH member if he tried to enter the police post.
Thanks to the pressure and solidarity of organizations and human rights defenders both inside and outside of the country, Melissa was released a few hours later and her belongings were returned.
The National WHRDs Network of Honduras denounces this arbitrary act and the abuse of power by the National Police against defender Melissa Martinez.