Stand in solidaity with Nana Mwafrika Mbarikiwa, Ugandan #WHRD

On 24 April 2019 Nana Mwafrika Mbarikiwa, Ugandan woman human rights defender was hospitalized as a result of a violent assault by a group of police officers in Naguru, Kampala District, Uganda. The human rights defender, who is seven months pregnant, was attacked while she was trying to obtain permission to organize a peaceful protest against human rights violations committed by security forces.

Over the past few weeks Nana has highlighted police brutality in Uganda. She has also demonstrated against the imprisonment of human right defender and scholar Dr Stella Nyanzi. She has been experiencing serious on-going threats for her work.

The IM-Defensoras stands in solidarity with Nana and condemn this brutal attack against her. We are deeply concerned about the attack against Nana Mwafrika Mbarikiwa and believes that it is an effort to silence her.

We demand the Ugandan Government to:

- Carry out an immediate, thorough and impartial investigation into the attack against Nana Mwafrika Mbarikiwa with a view to publishing the results and
bringing those responsible to justice in accordance with international standards;

- Take all necessary measures to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity and security of Nana Mwafrika Mbarikiwa;

- Guarantee in all circumstances that all human rights defenders in Uganda are able to carry out their legitimate human rights activities without fear of reprisals and free from all restrictions.

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