WHRDs alerts from Guatemala

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Attorney General seeks to criminalize Community Press and Ruda GT in context of the “USAC Takeover Case: Political Booty.”

We of IM-Defensoras demand an immediate end to any action whatsoever of the Public Prosecutor’s Office that seeks to criminalize Ruda GT, Community Press, and any other news media or human rights defender network exercising its legitimate right to inform and defend human rights.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Claudia González —attorney, human rights defender and former CICIG representative— criminalized and imprisoned for struggling against corruption

We of IM-Defensoras demand that the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Guatemala grant the immediate release of Claudia Gonzalez and put an end to the judicial persecution and harassment against her and other justice providers, journalists, and women human rights defenders criminalized for struggling against corruption and impunity.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Attorney General and head of Public Prosecutor’s Office, Consuelo Porras, singles out and seeks to criminalize journalists and rights defenders who question her work in social media.

We of IM-Defensoras hereby denounce the arbitrary and illegal conduct of Consuelo Porras and demand her immediate resignation along with guarantees for the security and freedom of expression of human rights defenders and journalists in Guatemala.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / 35 attacks registered against Km 169 News Agency since January 2023

The Km 169 News Agency is a national and regional community communications reference point with a feminist, human rights perspective.

[WHRD ALERT] GUATEMALA / Persecution, threats, and theft of work equipment belonging to defender and communicator María Laura González following her coverage of the Case of Our Lady of the Assumption Orphanage.

The incident took place soon after the defender left the courtroom. She was even pursued in the TransMetro and compelled, under threat with a deadly weapon, to hand over her work equipment.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Defender Claudia Paz criminalized for investigating grave human rights violations and struggling against corruption as Guatemala’s Attorney General.

Claudia Paz y Paz is a Guatemalan human rights defender with a specialty in criminal law. She has carried on her work as a member of the civil society, judiciary, legal profession, and in her capacity as Attorney General and Director of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Guatemala.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Intimidation, persecution and attacks against a professor and students peacefully resisting in defense of the autonomy of San Carlos University.

The students Naomi Valdez, Kenya Urrutia and Leslie Vásquez, and the professor Lucía Terrón of San Carlos University in Guatemala are targets of intimidation, persecution, and attacks due to their peaceful resistance in defense of university autonomy. 

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Adela Choc Cuz, ancestral authority and rights defender, is criminalized, physically attacked, and expelled from her community due to her work as a spiritual guide and defender of land and territory.

Adela Choc Cruz is a member of Anti-Mining Resistance and the Council of Maya Q´eqchi Indigenous Authorities, who are opposing the CGN Nickel Mine. 

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Maya K´iche´ leader Sebastiana Pablo Hernández criminalized for defending human rights and held in preventive detention since October 2020.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Communications consultant fired from government office for waging campaign against violence against women.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Violent home break-in, threats, and attacks against children of Elsa Siquín, mother of one of the 56 victims of Virgin of the Assumption Safe Home Massacre.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Violent entry and robbery of computer equipment from Office of Indigenous Peoples in Guatemala

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Woman defender who was seeking justice for her daughter, one of the 56 girls victimized in the massacre at the Hogar Virgen de la Asunción, is found murdered.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Threats against defender and member of Feminist Artisans Collective due to her support for case against gender violence in Antigua

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Assailant physically attacks journalist from Revista RUDA and denigrates her feminist activism as she covers protests in Guatemala City

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA/ Feminist journalists insulted, harassed and physically threatened in social networks for covering September 28th actions.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Congressmen and anti-rights groups file criminal complaint against Incidejoven and other social networking sites for sharing information about safe abortions on September 28th.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / UPDATE: House arrest ordered for K’iche Maya journalist Anastasia Mejía in criminal proceedings

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Smear campaign, threats and harassment in social networks against journalists who make violence against women visible

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Defamation campaign and accusations against defender Lolita Chávez after she denounced illegal detentions of k'iche' WHRDs

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Accusations, defamation and disparagement of Prensa Comunitaria and its reporters for coverage of March 8th march

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Assailants kill Paulina Cruz Ruiz, territorial defender and Maya Achi Ancestral Authority from Rabinal, Baja Verapaz

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Environmental defender Diana Isabel Hernández killed

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Break-in at Petén Ixqik Women’s Association

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Physical, verbal and psychological attack against CALAS member Jennifer Domínguez

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Racist insults and hate speech on social networks against Sandra Xinico, defender of indigenous rights and Op-ed columnist

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / ‘Cantera Los Manantiales’ security guards attack defender Irma Méndez

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Defamation and threats against Rosario Tuyuc, defender of territory and the rights of women and youth.

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Defender Claudia Samayoa criminalized for fighting corruption and impunity

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Forced entry and theft of sensitive documentation and work equipment at offices of Women’s Sector for Political Alliance

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Attempted arbitrary arrest with use of force against defender and lawyer K’iche’ Jovita Tzul

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Physical attack and hate crime against defenders Andrea and Lucía Ixchiu

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Surveillance, persecution and intimidation of Helen Mack, Director of the Myrna Mack Foundation

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Defamation, criminalization and false accusations against feminist activist and communicator Briseida Milián

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Campaign of disparagement, defamation and accusations against defenders and journalists who support the CICIG

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Two-and-a-half-year prison sentences given to women defenders criminalized for defending the right to housing in “Brisas del Mirador” settlement

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Break-in at home of defender and social communicator Norma Sancir

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA, HONDURAS / Stigmatization campaign and obstacles to exercising the right to defend the rights of Dunia Montoya and participants in Migrant Caravan

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Femicide of Juana Ramírez Santiago, defender of the rights of the Network of Ixil Women

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Assailants attack LGBTI rights defender Stacy Velázquez during protest over CICIG mandate revocation

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Sexual harassment, threats, detention and attempt on freedom of expression of journalist Rolanda de Jesús García

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / We repudiate and demand justice for the femicide of defender and CODECA member, Juana Raymundo

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Criminalization and violation of the freedom of expression of defenders of sexual and reproductive rights

WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Arbitrary arrest and criminalization of María Magdalena Cuc Choc

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Attempt on the life of Lilian Angélica Juárez, defender of the rights of women and indigenous peoples

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Update. Prosecution persists against housing right defenders

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Harrassment, threats and attempt on the life of Lesbia Artola

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Gunmen threaten Aura Lolita Chávez and CPK

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Mistreatment, Sexual exploitation, Extrajudicial execution and femicide against The Interns of the Virgin of the Assumption Safe Home

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Criminalization and excessive use of force in evicting housing rights defenders

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Article censored on smear campaign against CICIG

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Criminalization and obstruction of Women on Waves Campaign for the sexual and reproductive rights of women

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Assailants kill territorial defender, Laura Leonor Vásquez

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Criminalization of land defenders in Santa Inés, Alta Verapaz


#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / #LGBTI rights defender Sulma Alegría murdered


#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Concern about the increase in attacks of various kinds against members of UDEFEGUA

#AlertaDefensoras Iduvina Hernández 31082016 ENG
#AlertaDefensoras Iduvina Hernández 31082016 ENG

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Criminalization of journalist and human rights defender, Iduvina Hernández, Director of SEDEM

#AlertaDefensoras Lolita Chávez 00772016 eng
#AlertaDefensoras Lolita Chávez 00772016 eng

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Public threats made against Aura Lolita Chávez Ixcaquic for her defense of the territory and natural resources in Quiche province

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Threats against journalists and defenders who opposed military parade

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Murder of workers’ rights defender Marleni Estrada

#WHRDAlert MESOAMERICA / Inter-American Comission on Human Rights (IACHR) in danger of shutting downf for lack of funds.

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Intimidation and threats against Sara Curruchich and members of Solidarity Festivals

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Criminalization against BLANCA JULIA AJTÚN and CODECA members

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Assassination of WHRD Rosalinda Pérez, leader of the Blanca Caserío Barrio Nuevo community, Jocotán Chuiquimula

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Justice for women today! #CasoSepurZarco


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Mesoamerican Initiative of Women Human Rights Defenders

We call our political project to take care of ourselves together:

Feminist Holistic Protection (FHP)

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