WHRDs alerts from Honduras

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Smear campaign continues against OFRANEH and Garifuna defenders Miriam Miranda and Melissa Martínez

The Garifuna defenders Miriam Miranda and Melissa Martínez of the Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras were defamed on a program on the HRN radio station. The program conductor stated that Ritzy Norman Jones had denounced OFRANEH for “promoting land invasions with full ownership” in Punta Gorda, Bay Islands.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Four OFRANEH members including defender Carmen Isabel Alvarez illegally arrested in Trujillo

These acts of harassment and judicial persecution, arbitrary arrests, and delay in bureaucratic procedures and justice administration are part of a systematic campaign of harassment and besiegement against Garifuna communities and OFRANEH.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / The criminalization and judicialization continues against Nolvia Obando.

The systematic persecution and aggressions against Nolvia Obando are unjust and unreasonable. Nolvia is innocent and has always been so. We condemn the criminalization against her and the abuse of power by the institutions of justice. 

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Sentences against those responsible for the assassination of Berta Cáceres yet unconfirmed

Eight years after the assassination of Berta Cáceres, defender of the territory and rights of the Lenca people, the guilty verdicts against the perpetrators and co-author of the crime are not yet final.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Attacks and harassment intensify against Garifuna community Triunfo de la Cruz

During the first week of March, new attacks and forms of harassment have been reported against Triunfo de la Cruz, the Garifuna community on Tela Bay in the administrative division of Atlántida.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Environmental defenders in Guapinol and Bajo Aguán at high risk.

We call on the government of Honduras to adopt all necessary measures to guarantee the security and physical and emotional integrity of the communities in resistance in Guapinol  and the Bajo Aguán, and all environmental defenders and their families. 

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Assassination of Soraya Álvarez Portillo, Trans Defender and Member of Rainbow Dolls Collective

Soraya Álvarez Portillo, a 32-year-old member of the Trans collective, Rainbow Dolls, was an experienced activist who had received political training as a women rights defender from the time she was very young.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Siege and threats against the life of Miriam Miranda, OFRANEH coordinator and Garifuna defender.

In the early morning of September 19, at least four unknown and heavily armed men entered the community of Vallecito, Colón, surrounding the house of Miriam Miranda, Garífuna defender and OFRANEH Coordinator.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Alternative measures denied to Nolvia Obando, imprisoned since March 16th for defending the land

Nolvia is being criminalized and remains imprisoned since 16 March for defending land in Honduras.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Persecution, harassment and criminalization of Miriam Miranda, OFRANEH member and human rights defender, after protest at Public Prosecutor’s Office on August 9, 2022

We of IM-Defensoras and the National Network of Women Human Rights Defenders of Honduras denounce and condemn this recent aggression against Miriam Miranda and OFRANEH, as well as the situation of persecution, racism, and harassment faced by the Garifuna communities.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Garifuna defender belonging to OFRANEH detained, criminalized and sentenced to house arrest.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Garifuna women defenders criminalized and sentenced to alternative imprisonment with racist arguments

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Military forces unjustifiably retain woman defender

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Harassment and death threat against defender María Felícita López

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Assailants murder LGTBI+ activist Scarleth Cáceres

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Defender killed by security agents in violent, illegal eviction

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Police arbitrarily arrest defender Evelyn Castillo on pretext of Covid-19 emergency

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Activist Aleyda Huete arbitrarily arrested and criminalized during Covid-19 curfew

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / OFRANEH member Karla Ignacia Piota Martínez dies from wounds inflicted in an attempt on her life last December 28

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Hate crime and brutal physical attack against Alejandra Vega, LGBT rights defender in San Pedro Sula

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Police harassment of defenders Mirtha Gutiérrez and Angélica Álvarez, members of Protection International

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Assailants kill Garifuna defender and OFRANEH member María Digna Montero

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Attempt on the life of Río Blanco community leader and COPINH member Rosalina Domínguez

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Attempted kidnapping and/or murder of Sandra Maribel Sánchez, human rights defender and Radio Progreso journalist

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arrest and criminalization of territorial defender María Concepción Hernández, ADEPZA member

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Obstruction of the free exercise of human rights defense, intimidation, arbitrary detention, and aggression against defenders Elizabeth Medina and Katherin Cruz

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Assailants kill Mirna Teresa Suazo, community leader and Garifuna territorial defender

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / New death threats, intimidation and harassment against Rosalina Domínguez of COPINH

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / COPINH women land defenders detained and criminalized in Nueva Esperanza community

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Hate crime against Bessy Ferrera, trans activist and member of Arcoiris Association

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Mobile surveillance and intimidadion of journalist Eleana Borjas, of Radio Progreso

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization of indigenous women defending Tolupan territory

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Assailants kill APOMUH member Maricruz Tolvez in Choloma

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arbitrary arrest and intimidation of defenders of territory and natural assets of Azacualpa

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Death threats against Rosalina Domínguez, territorial defender and COPINH member

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arbitrary retention of OFRANEH members Miriam Miranda and Aurelia Arzu

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization of defenders of the territory and natural wealth of Choluteca

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Sexual assault, physical attacks and threats against Nivia Vargas of ACI-Participa

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Soldiers use high-calibre arms to attack, threaten, intimidate and rob cell phones from #March 8th demonstrators in San Pedro Sula

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Attack on offices of Ecumenical Women for the Right to Decide damages mural dedicated to Berta Cáceres, Margarita Murillo and the Mirabal sisters

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Judicial intimidation and harassment of Miriam Miranda, OFRANEH Coordinator

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization of Lourdes Gómez and 31 defenders of the public assets of Tocoa

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization and infringement of the freedom of expression of retired Police Commissioner María Luisa Borjas

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arbitrary retention of vehicle and harassment of Miriam Miranda and OFRANEH members

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Eviction threat against defenders of the Trinidad Campesino Group in Trujillo, Colón

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Judicial harassment of Juana Carranza, territorial defender and CNTC member

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Campaign of stigmatization, defamation, criminalization and threats against the San Alonso Rodríguez Foundation and its Director in Tocoa, Colón

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization, excessive use of force, and paramilitary violence against women defenders of water in the Guapinol encampment

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / One year later judicial process reactivated against women human rights defenders and university activists

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA, HONDURAS / Stigmatization campaign and obstacles to exercising the right to defend the rights of Dunia Montoya and participants in Migrant Caravan

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization and eviction threats against defenders of right to water in Tocoa, Colón

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Accusations, defamation, criminalization of British journalist Nina Lakhani

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Agression and abuse of authority against journalist and rights defender Kency Gissel Grandez Durón, of C-Libre

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Smear Campaign against journalist Lennys Fajardo

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization and judicial harassment against Yenis Zulay Rodríguez Velásquez

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Social network threats and harassment against the journalist Gilda Silvestrucci

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Violent eviction of Camp Dignity for Water and Life in Pajuiles encampment

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Threats, insults and community exclusion against Ángela Murillo, of the MADJ

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Agents search home of COPINH Coordinator Lilian López’s son

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / UPDATE. Prosecution and political prison for defender Aquelina Mejía

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arbitrary arrest and criminalization of Aquelina Mejía of the MADJ

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Smear campaign, criminalization and prosecution of territorial defender in the Aguán

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Military police repress and wound Elsa Corea in the context of the National Strike

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Police forces intimidate demonstrators in San Juan Community, La Masica, Atlántida

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Disturbing situation of potential violence and repression against women defenders after elections

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Intimidation of Nancy García of the Broad University Movement (MAU)

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Repression, Arbitrary Arrest and Criminalization of Women Territorial Defenders of the New Ebenezer Campesino Associative Enterprise

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Attacks, arbitrary arrest and criminalization of defenders Hedme Castro and Tommy Morales during UNAH evacuation

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arbitrary arrest with excessive use of force against UNAH students

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization, defamation and stigmatization of Dinia Yasmin Sarmiento Suárez and Suany Ibeth Sánchez Argueta

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization of Miriam Miranda, OFRANEH General Coordinator

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arrest, cruel and inhuman treatment, and criminalization of Cristian Marisol Hernández, defender in Villa de San Francisco

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Threats, criminalization and repression of defenders of the rights to health and territory

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Police use violence to oust camp of UNAH students on hunger strike

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / More arbitrary arrests of WHRD of the right to water in Paujiles

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization of Garifuna OFRANEH Members for Territorial Defense

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arbitrary Detention of Angélica Recinos and comrades of the Honorable Camp for Water and Life in Paujiles

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Closure threats against Garifuna community radio station Radio Waruguma in Trujillo

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Attempt on the life of Bertha Zuniga, daughter of Bertha Cáceres and COPINH Coordinator

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / UNAH-CU students attacked, arrested and criminalized during peaceful takeover

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization of representatives of the La Jarcia Community, member of COPINH

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization and arrest warrants for members of Regional Agrarian Platform of the Aguán Valley

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Anti-rights groups attack peaceful ‘Somos Muchas’ encampment

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Attempt on the physical integrity of Hedme Castro, of ACI-Participa

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Hate crime against Sherly Montoya, LGTTBI defender and member of Transexual Women´s Group “Muñecas de Arcoiris”

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arrest and Harassment of OPDHA Secretary Irma Lemus

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Harrassment and criminalization of CEM-H for demanding #JusticeForBerta

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS – SPANISH STATE / Physical attack against Arely Victoria Gómez, Honduran LGBTTTI defender and refugee in Spanish State

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Detention and threats against OFRANEH Coordinator Miriam Miranda

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Harassment and threats against Indigenous Councils of Nueva Esperanza, San Isidro Labrador and Santiago Apostol


#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Harassment and and represssion of UNAG students exercising their right to peaceful protest


#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arbitrary arrest, excessive use of force and criminalizaion of Madeline Martina David Fernández, member of OFRANEH


#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arbitrary detention and excessive use of force against defenders Karla Lara and Sandra Sánchez


#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Police violently repressed peaceful march of COPINH


#WHRDAlert / COPINH members at risk after new attempts on lives of General Coordinator and community leader


#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Excessive use of force against members of Nuevo Ebenezer campesino group

#AlertaDefensoras gabriela diaz y karen mejia (25082016) eng
#AlertaDefensoras gabriela diaz y karen mejia (25082016) eng

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arbitrary arrest and subseqüent release of GABRIELA DÍAZ and KAREN MEJÍA

#AlertaDefensoras Lesbia Janeth Urquía 08072016 ENG
#AlertaDefensoras Lesbia Janeth Urquía 08072016 ENG

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Lesbia Janeth Urquía slain: environmental defender and COPINH member

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Repression of UNAH student movement’s right to protest

#WHRDAlert MESOAMERICA / Inter-American Comission on Human Rights (IACHR) in danger of shutting downf for lack of funds.

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Intimidation and death threats against Ana Mirian Romero, territorial defender of MILPAH and the Indigenous Council of San Isidro Labrador

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization of Carolina Castillo, defender of New Armenia territory and OFRANEH member.

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Assailant kills Alejandra Padilla, #LGBTTTI human rights defender and member of the Coalition against Impunity

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Attack on members of COPINH and other national and international organizations at "Berta Cáceres Vive" gathering

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / UPDATE - Criminalization against Orbelina Flores



#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization of Orbelina Flores Hernández

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / COPINH members in Río Lindo, Cortés


#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Criminalization against BLANCA JULIA AJTÚN and CODECA members

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / RAINBOW ASSOCIATION and #LGBTTTI human rights defenders at great risk

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / New attack against WHRD Irma Lemus: Attempt on her life

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Women Human Rights Defenders of CEM-H and the Women’s Network of Colonia Cruz Roja

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Acts of intimidation, harassment, and threats against Elizabeth Zúniga

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Sonia Isabel Gáleas, Gerardina Santos Hernández and Norma Suyapa Herrera

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Alejandra Cabrera & Haideé Paz


#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization against Gladys Lanza

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Mesoamerican Initiative of Women Human Rights Defenders

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