

Alerts are one of the most emblematic and important strategic communications actions to further feminist holistic protection. We use alerts to denounce attacks or situations of risk experienced by women defenders and to strengthen embodied support among women defenders. In this way, we also contribute to building memory and demanding justice.





El Salvador

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Armed assailants intercept, threaten, and steal car of searching woman defender Araceli Salcedo, of the Orizaba-Cordoba Disappeared Families Collective.

This incident is the latest in a series of security incidents that the woman defender has experienced as part of her work, which she conducts in a context of insecurity that increases the risks to her life and personal integrity.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Smear campaign continues against OFRANEH and Garifuna defenders Miriam Miranda and Melissa Martínez

The Garifuna defenders Miriam Miranda and Melissa Martínez of the Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras were defamed on a program on the HRN radio station. The program conductor stated that Ritzy Norman Jones had denounced OFRANEH for “promoting land invasions with full ownership” in Punta Gorda, Bay Islands.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Four OFRANEH members including defender Carmen Isabel Alvarez illegally arrested in Trujillo

These acts of harassment and judicial persecution, arbitrary arrests, and delay in bureaucratic procedures and justice administration are part of a systematic campaign of harassment and besiegement against Garifuna communities and OFRANEH.

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Código DH temporarily closes office in Oaxaca after repeated attacks, searches, and robberies that place its members at high risk and jeopardize its human rights work.

After experiencing situations of search and seizure, the Committee for the Comprehensive Defense of Human Rights (CÓDIGO DH) announced the closure of its offices until state and national authorities guarantee the security conditions necessary for its ongoing work.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / The criminalization and judicialization continues against Nolvia Obando.

The systematic persecution and aggressions against Nolvia Obando are unjust and unreasonable. Nolvia is innocent and has always been so. We condemn the criminalization against her and the abuse of power by the institutions of justice. 

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / SEIDO and FGR maintain criminalization against Marcela Turati, Ana Lorena Delgadillo and Mercedes Doretti.

We of the National Network of Women Human Rights Defenders in Mexico and the Mesoamerican Initiative of Women Human Rights Defenders (IM-Defensoras) demand the immediate closure of the prosecution’s investigatory file against Ana Lorena Delgadillo Pérez, Marcela Turati Muñoz y Mercedes Doretti, and an end to their criminalization.

[WHRD Alert] EL SALVADOR / Defender Rosa Elvira Flores Martinez, leader of the Salvadoran Women’s Movement, was found assassinated eight days after her forced disappearance.

On Friday, March 27th, Rosa Elvira Flores Martínez, human rights defender and leader of the Salvadoran Women’s Movement (SWM), who had been disappeared since March 19th, was found lifeless and with indications of violence.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Sentences against those responsible for the assassination of Berta Cáceres yet unconfirmed

Eight years after the assassination of Berta Cáceres, defender of the territory and rights of the Lenca people, the guilty verdicts against the perpetrators and co-author of the crime are not yet final.

[WHRD Alert] EL SALVADOR / Agents arbitrarily detain mother of Gladys Ardón, President of Esperanza SV

This arrest may well be an act of intimidation against Gladys Ardón motivated by her work as a defender of the human rights of the most vulnerable populations.

[WHRD Alert] EL SALVADOR / Searcher/defender Verónica Delgado arrested and criminalized in state of exception

Verónica is a defender of the right to truth, justice and reparations. She is a member of the “Special Search Unit,” which is looking for her daughter Paola Jimena Arana, who disappeared on May 26, 2022, when she was 17 years old.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Attacks and harassment intensify against Garifuna community Triunfo de la Cruz

During the first week of March, new attacks and forms of harassment have been reported against Triunfo de la Cruz, the Garifuna community on Tela Bay in the administrative division of Atlántida.

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Defender Ángela Almeras León, member of Union and Strength for Our Disappeared People Collective was assassinated in Tecate, Baja California

She was President of the Union and Strength for our Disappeared People Collective and she was searching for her brother José Juan Vázquez León, disappeared since 2018.

[WHRD Alert] EL SALVADOR / Feminist protest against irregularities in the electoral process targeted through acts of intimidation and messages of discredit and misogyny in social media.

We demand that the government of El Salvador, and especially President Nayib Bukele and his officials, along with his sympathizers, abstain from spreading stigmatic and misogynous messages that expose to derision and social violence against human rights defenders and journalists.

[WHRD Alert] ARGENTINA / False accusations and defamation used to criminalize defender Moira Millán and Mapuche people for forest fire in Los Alerces National Park

We of IM-Defensoras stand in solidarity with our sister Moira Millán and with the Mapuche people, and demand an immediate end to the accusations and defamation against them. 

[WHRD Alert] El SALVADOR / The Salvadoran government must guarantee an electoral process free from violence, in which the rights to inform and defend rights are respected.

We will remain vigilant, documenting and denouncing any aggression whatsoever against our colleagues who are journalists, women human rights defenders, and sex-gender based dissidents.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Environmental defenders in Guapinol and Bajo Aguán at high risk.

We call on the government of Honduras to adopt all necessary measures to guarantee the security and physical and emotional integrity of the communities in resistance in Guapinol  and the Bajo Aguán, and all environmental defenders and their families. 

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Attacks, threats, harassment and assassinations rise against trans feminists and women rights defenders searching for missing loved ones.

Trans feminist activists, women defenders searching for missing persons, and human rights organizations continue to be the victims of assassinations, attacks, threats and harassment by unknown persons and criminal groups. 

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Attorney General seeks to criminalize Community Press and Ruda GT in context of the “USAC Takeover Case: Political Booty.”

We of IM-Defensoras demand an immediate end to any action whatsoever of the Public Prosecutor’s Office that seeks to criminalize Ruda GT, Community Press, and any other news media or human rights defender network exercising its legitimate right to inform and defend human rights.

[WHRD Alert] PANAMA / State Represses Massive Protests against Extractivism and “Green” Capitalism

We especially recognize the leadership and contribution of women human rights defenders in Panama, who have been active in the recent protests on behalf of many different organizations and communities.

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / National Human Rights Commission denies that illegal investigation of Marcela Turati, Ana Lorena Delgadillo and Mercedes Doretti violates their rights

From 2015 to 2016, the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico conducted an investigation of Marcela Turati, Ana Lorena Delgadillo and Mercedes Doretti and their work of communication, defense and investigation of the San Fernando Massacre.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Assassination of Soraya Álvarez Portillo, Trans Defender and Member of Rainbow Dolls Collective

Soraya Álvarez Portillo, a 32-year-old member of the Trans collective, Rainbow Dolls, was an experienced activist who had received political training as a women rights defender from the time she was very young.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Claudia González —attorney, human rights defender and former CICIG representative— criminalized and imprisoned for struggling against corruption

We of IM-Defensoras demand that the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Guatemala grant the immediate release of Claudia Gonzalez and put an end to the judicial persecution and harassment against her and other justice providers, journalists, and women human rights defenders criminalized for struggling against corruption and impunity.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Siege and threats against the life of Miriam Miranda, OFRANEH coordinator and Garifuna defender.

In the early morning of September 19, at least four unknown and heavily armed men entered the community of Vallecito, Colón, surrounding the house of Miriam Miranda, Garífuna defender and OFRANEH Coordinator.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Attorney General and head of Public Prosecutor’s Office, Consuelo Porras, singles out and seeks to criminalize journalists and rights defenders who question her work in social media.

We of IM-Defensoras hereby denounce the arbitrary and illegal conduct of Consuelo Porras and demand her immediate resignation along with guarantees for the security and freedom of expression of human rights defenders and journalists in Guatemala.

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Searching defender Catalina Vargas, who has been disappeared since July 17th in León, Guanajuato, was found alive.

The United for the Disappeared Collective reported that defender Catalina Vargas was found alive at noon on Monday, July 24.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / 35 attacks registered against Km 169 News Agency since January 2023

The Km 169 News Agency is a national and regional community communications reference point with a feminist, human rights perspective.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Alternative measures denied to Nolvia Obando, imprisoned since March 16th for defending the land

Nolvia is being criminalized and remains imprisoned since 16 March for defending land in Honduras.

[WHRD ALERT] MEXICO/ Human rights defender Ana Enamorado at risk for her work in searching for disappeared persons

For 13 years, rights defender Ana Enamorado has searched for her son, Oscar Antonio López Enamorado, a Honduran youth who was disappeared in Jalisco, Mexico, on January 19, 2010. In order to engage in the search and to demand justice for her son, the defender had to leave her home country and settle in Mexico.

[WHRD ALERT] GUATEMALA / Persecution, threats, and theft of work equipment belonging to defender and communicator María Laura González following her coverage of the Case of Our Lady of the Assumption Orphanage.

The incident took place soon after the defender left the courtroom. She was even pursued in the TransMetro and compelled, under threat with a deadly weapon, to hand over her work equipment.

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Assailants in Guanajuato shoot and kill defender and searching mother Carmela Vázquez, of the Disappeared Persons in Pénjamo Collective

On Sunday, November 6, the searching defender María Carmela Vázquez Ramírez was assassinated in Abasolo, Guanajuato.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Daniel Ortega cancels 29 more feminist and women’s rights organizations, with a total of 176 since 2018.

These closures took place over four days (September 5, 12, 19 and 23, 2022) through changes made in Law 1115 last August  24th that allow the  Ministry of the Interior to quash the legal status of organizations without the approval of the  National Assembly.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Miskita defender Anexa Alfred Cunningham denied entry into her own country, Nicaragua.

This grave offense occurred when she was returning home from Geneva, Switzerland, after participating in a session of the UN Expert Group on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, of which she has been part since last year. 

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / During the month of August, 42 more feminist and women’s rights organizations lost their legal status, with a total of 147 illegally canceled by Daniel Ortega since 2018.

Waves of massive cancellations resulted in a monthly average of 47 feminist and women’s rights organizations that were illegally and arbitrarily shut down, with a total of 147 such organizations illegally canceled since 2018. 

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / In Sinaloa assailants kill defender Rosario Lilian Rodríguez, a searching mother of the ‘Hearts without Justice’ collective

Rosario Lilian Rodríguez had been searching for her son, Fernando Abixahy Ramírez Rodríguez, who was forcibly disappeared on October 16, 2019.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Daniel Ortega shuts down feminist community radio station Radio Vos, along with eight other local radio stations and a television channel

For 18 years the community radio station has stood by the people, especially broadcasting the voices of women and the least heard social groups in the North of the country.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Persecution, harassment and criminalization of Miriam Miranda, OFRANEH member and human rights defender, after protest at Public Prosecutor’s Office on August 9, 2022

We of IM-Defensoras and the National Network of Women Human Rights Defenders of Honduras denounce and condemn this recent aggression against Miriam Miranda and OFRANEH, as well as the situation of persecution, racism, and harassment faced by the Garifuna communities.

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Assailants Kill Defender Brenda Jazmín Beltrán of Women Warrior Searchers in Cajeme, Sonora.

Brenda Jazmín Beltrán Jaime, had been searching for her brother Luis Heraldo Beltrán Jaime, disappeared since November 1, 2018. She was a member of the Women Warrior Searchers Collective in Cajeme, Sonora, and collaborated in the accompaniment of family members of disappeared persons. 

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Activist Luz Raquel Padilla Gutiérrez dies after being attacked and burned in Zapopan, Jalisco.

In posts on social networks, the defender had denounced constant death threats made against her. Several weeks ago she survived an attack with industrial use chlorine on and around her thorax.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Defender Claudia Paz criminalized for investigating grave human rights violations and struggling against corruption as Guatemala’s Attorney General.

Claudia Paz y Paz is a Guatemalan human rights defender with a specialty in criminal law. She has carried on her work as a member of the civil society, judiciary, legal profession, and in her capacity as Attorney General and Director of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Guatemala.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Intimidation, persecution and attacks against a professor and students peacefully resisting in defense of the autonomy of San Carlos University.

The students Naomi Valdez, Kenya Urrutia and Leslie Vásquez, and the professor Lucía Terrón of San Carlos University in Guatemala are targets of intimidation, persecution, and attacks due to their peaceful resistance in defense of university autonomy. 

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Another round of massive closures raises the tally to 49 feminist and women’s rights organizations illegally cancelled by Daniel Ortega since 2018.

On Tuesday, May 31st, the National Assembly of Nicaragua approved another massive cancellation of the legal standing of several different types of organizations.  This time 83 organizations were affected, including 9 feminist or women’s rights organizations.

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Defender attorney Cecilia Monzón López assassinated in  San Pedro Cholula, Puebla.

We of the National Network of Women Human Rights Defenders in Mexico and IM-Defensoras condemn the murder of attorney activist Cecilia Monzón and join in the call for justice in her case as we demand that the responsible authorities guarantee a prompt, exhaustive, gender-based investigation. 

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Adela Choc Cuz, ancestral authority and rights defender, is criminalized, physically attacked, and expelled from her community due to her work as a spiritual guide and defender of land and territory.

Adela Choc Cruz is a member of Anti-Mining Resistance and the Council of Maya Q´eqchi Indigenous Authorities, who are opposing the CGN Nickel Mine. 

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / New wave of closures leaves 40 feminist and women’s rights organizations illegally canceled by Daniel Ortega since 2018.

The closure of these 6 leaves 40 feminist and women’s rights organizations illegally canceled by the Daniel Ortega government since April of 2018.  

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Daniel Ortega intensifies terror policy on the 4th anniversary of April 18th social uprising: 156 attacks against women defenders in just 10 days.

Since April 10, 2022, we of IM-Defensoras have registered 156 attacks against women human rights defenders in Nicaragua. Of these, 147 have been personal attacks against defenders and the other 9 have been against organizations that defend the rights of women or are run by women defenders.

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Defender Angélica Armentera Quintero disappeared since March 10th after searching for her son

Members of the collective “Mothers Searching in Sonora” report that this is the third time family members of victims of forced disappearance have received phone calls regarding the whereabouts of their disappeared family members, and then they themselves have disappeared.  

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Nicaraguan government cancels yet another feminist organization: the March 8th Collective

On Thursday, March 17th, the National Assembly of Nicaragua, in response to a motion made by legislators of the ruling party, canceled the legal standing of 25 more organizations, including the feminist March 8th Collective. 

[WHRD Alert] MÉXICO / Assailants kill human rights defender Patricia Susana Rivera Reyes in Tijuana, Baja California.

Patricia Rivera Reyes began her work as a rights defender in indigenous communities and became an assessor at the Office of the Ombudsman in the state of Baja California in a Trial Chamber established at the national level. 

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / ​​Local and state police forces repress women and girls during the 8M march in Morelia, Michoacán.

On March 8, 2022 at least 13 women, including 5 underage girls were arbitrarily arrested in Morelia, Michoacán. The aggression was reported by local news media,  journalists, and demonstrators and documented by the National Network of Women Human Rights Defenders in Mexico.  

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Government shuts down two more feminist organizations: FUNDEMUNI and the María Elena Cuadra Women’s Movement

The closure of both organizations is a heavy blow to many Nicaraguan women who are now more vulnerable than ever to male chauvinist violence along with conditions of job insecurity and workplace exploitation that they face.

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Human rights defender Ana Luisa Garduño killed in Temixco, Morelos.

Ana Luisa Garduño was 51 years old, and since 2012, had been engaged in a tireless quest for justice for the feminicide of her underage daughter, Ana Karen Huicochea.

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Death threats, harassment, and intimidation against Greace Lugo.

Defender Greace Ivonne Lugo Vargas has been the victim of death threats, harassment, and intimidation due to her active participation in the Attention to Disabled Persons Act consultation process, which took place in San Luis Potosí, in November of 2021.

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Assailants kill journalist María de Lourdes Maldonado López in Tijuana, Baja California.

The journalist covered issues of politics and corruption in Tijuana.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Feminist political prisoners face torture and abuse.

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Assailants threaten and assault women defenders of CLADEM Jalisco.

[WHRDAlert] MEXICO / Defender Irma Galindo has been disappeared since October 27th

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Nicaraguan government cancels legal status of three more feminist organizations.

[WHRDAlert] NICARAGUA / Nicaraguan government illegally expropriates family home of Patricia Orozco, a feminist, journalist, and human rights defender now living in exile.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Maya K´iche´ leader Sebastiana Pablo Hernández criminalized for defending human rights and held in preventive detention since October 2020.

[WHRD Alert ] MEXICO / Co-Director of Oaxaca Consortium among 109 rights defenders spied on by Pegasus.

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Assailants in Sonora murder Aranza Ramos, who searched for her disappeared husband.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Garifuna defender belonging to OFRANEH detained, criminalized and sentenced to house arrest.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Police arbitrarily attack and retain AMA members; confiscate their belongings and materials commemorating the third anniversary of the Mother’s Day Massacre

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / 74 young women students, mainly indigenous, were attacked, detained for five days, and criminalized for defending the right to education in Chiapas.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Nicaraguan women activists, journalists and human rights defenders experience prolonged situation of police harassment, surveillance and illegal home retentions.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / National Police intensify campaign of harassment and attacks against members of the April Mothers Association and CENIDH.

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Veracruz government disseminates private information about activists obtained through police surveillance and infiltration of feminist movement.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Police surround mothers of April 2018 victims, harass them, and decommission commemorative books of their murdered sons.

[WHRD Alert] EL SALVADOR / Anti-rights groups intensify stigmatization and hate speech campaigns against feminists and women defenders accompanying the “Manuela” case.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / National Police intensify harassment and further limit right to movement of women human rights defenders and families.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Communications consultant fired from government office for waging campaign against violence against women.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Violent home break-in, threats, and attacks against children of Elsa Siquín, mother of one of the 56 victims of Virgin of the Assumption Safe Home Massacre.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Violent entry and robbery of computer equipment from Office of Indigenous Peoples in Guatemala

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Nicaraguan government illegally expropriates and shuts down offices of the POPOL NA and CISAS organizations.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Ometepe police illegally detain defender and lawyer Yonarqui Martínez and violate her right to freedom of movement.

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Women human rights defenders in Puebla smeared in news media and criminalized by government after March 8th.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Feminist defenders and collectives face at least 16 attacks within the framework of the 8th March.

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Garifuna women defenders criminalized and sentenced to alternative imprisonment with racist arguments

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Police threaten, intimidate and sexually attack journalist

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Woman defender who was seeking justice for her daughter, one of the 56 girls victimized in the massacre at the Hogar Virgen de la Asunción, is found murdered.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / State illegally confiscates, dismantles and takes over offices of feminist and human rights organizations

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA Somoto police detain and publically display defender, a member of Blue and White National Unity.

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Raid on private residence of journalist and rights defender Jackie Campbell in Coahuila.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Political prisoner Julia Hernández sentenced to 18 years on bogus charges of drug trafficking and arms possession.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Police and paramilitary forces harass and besiege members of feminist organizations

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Anti-rights aggressors break car window, paint slogans and throw eggs and fire bomb at the home of Ariadne Song in state of Quintana Roo.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Threats against defender and member of Feminist Artisans Collective due to her support for case against gender violence in Antigua

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Assailant physically attacks journalist from Revista RUDA and denigrates her feminist activism as she covers protests in Guatemala City

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Intimidation, threats to run over demonstrators, and incitement to violence against participants in the March of the Catrinas last October 31 in San Cristóbal de las Casas.

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Ivette Saavedra criminalized, harassed and threatened for defending protected natural area in State of Mexico

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Persecution, threats, physical and virtual aggression, and property damage against feminist activists in state of Sonora.

[WHRDAlert] MEXICO / Assailants send death threat and seek to intimidate environmentalist Teresa Roldán by setting fires next to her family home in Querétaro

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / With harassment, police persecution and numerous restrictions on the performance of her work, authorities have violated Marisol Balladares’ right to inform on the situation of persons stricken by Hurricane Eta.

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Cancún municipal police use firearms to repress feminist protest demanding justice for the feminicide of young Bianca Alejandrina Lorenzana Alvarado, and to repress journalists covering the protest

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Rights defender Laura María Orozco Medina subjected to surveillance, intimidation, and constant harassment in the state of Michoacán.

[Urgent Alert] MEXICO / UPDATE: Kenia Hernández granted release, then arrested anew and confined in federal prison in state of Morelos

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Defamation and disparagement campaign against Isela González Díaz, defender of the rights of Rarámuri communities in Chihuahua

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Assailants attack and seriously wound journalist Verónica Chávez, of Channel 100% Noticias.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA/ Feminist journalists insulted, harassed and physically threatened in social networks for covering September 28th actions.

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Congressmen and anti-rights groups file criminal complaint against Incidejoven and other social networking sites for sharing information about safe abortions on September 28th.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Police retain vehicle, verbally attack, and commit arbitrary acts against members of the Coalition of Rural Women in León.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Illegal detention, harassment and threats against members of ‘La Corriente’ Feminist Program

[WHRD Alert] EL SALVADOR / Attempt at hacking Twitter account of Salvadoran Women Defenders Network

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / UPDATE: House arrest ordered for K’iche Maya journalist Anastasia Mejía in criminal proceedings

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Smear campaign, threats and harassment in social networks against journalists who make violence against women visible

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Denial of the right to defense and arbitrary prolongation of judicial proceedings against Karla Escobar, imprisoned under precarious conditions affecting her physical and psychological health

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Trans defender Mireya Rodriguez killed in Chihuahua

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Ongoing campaign of slander, disparagement, threats and criminalization against women defenders of territory and indigenous rights in the state of Querétaro

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Environmentalist Diana Bobadilla subjected to death threats, harassment, defamation and attempted physical attack in Metepec, state of Mexico

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Chihuahuan police close seamstress workshop and detain more than 50 people, mainly women and children of the Bosques de San Elías Repechique community, along with women human rights defenders.

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Transgender defender Jeanine Huerta killed and re-victimized in Baja California

[WHRDAlert] MEXICO / Guards outside Sonoran Legislature illegally retain and assault Frida Gómez for protesting distortion of law for the digital protection of women

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Military forces unjustifiably retain woman defender

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Government officials defame independent journalist

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Heightened smear campaign, hate speech and false claims against feminist attorney Azahálea Solís.

[WHRD Alert - UPDATE] MEXICO / Criminalization process continues against defenders of the “A tu encuentro” Collective, arrested for protesting last July 10 in Guanajuato.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Continued attacks, harassment and death threats against political prisoners in the Comprehensive Women’s Penitentiary Center (EPIM)

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Constant aggression, threats and harassment against families of feminicide victims in Mexico City encampment

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Harassment and death threat against defender María Felícita López

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Death threats against transgender political prisoner in men’s prison

[WHRD Alert] HONDURAS / Assailants murder LGTBI+ activist Scarleth Cáceres

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Smear campaign against released political activist Nelly Roque

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Persistence of harassment, threats, and infingements on the rights, integrity and health of attorney Yonarqui Martínez

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Trans doctor and rights defender killed in Morelos

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / After a smear campaign, threats, and virtual harassment, pneumologist is fired for distributing COVID-19 protective equipment

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Intimidation of Claudia Zenteno and shut down of her home in Xochimilco, Mexico City

[WHRD Alert] GUATEMALA / Defamation campaign and accusations against defender Lolita Chávez after she denounced illegal detentions of k'iche' WHRDs

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / Defender Claudia Hernández was illegally arrested, tortured and criminalized in San Luís Potosí for participating in a protest against the murder of Giovanni López

[WHRD Alert] MEXICO / With slander and false accusations, a smear campaign is launched against Anaís Palacios in the state of Veracruz.

[WHRD Alert] MÉXICO / We demand freedom for Kenia Hernández, arrested and imprisoned on Saturday night, June 6th.

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / Released political prisoner Karla Escobar subjected to violent arrest and taken to “El Chipote” penitentiary

[WHRDAlert] MEXICO / Yucatan authorities and police harass feminist defender Dr. Sandra Peniche Quintal

[WHRD Alert] NICARAGUA / As of April 15, countrywide police harassment of mothers and families of persons killed in 2018 protests

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Defender killed by security agents in violent, illegal eviction

#WHRDAlert MEXICO / Trans community rights defender Karla Camarena killed in Guanajuato, Mexico

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Officials of Bukele government foster smear campaigns and attacks in social networks

#WHRDAlert MEXICO / Journalist María Elena Ferral Hernández killed in Papantla, Veracruz

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Police arbitrarily arrest defender Evelyn Castillo on pretext of Covid-19 emergency

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police lay siege to home of activist Flor Ramírez and block her exit

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Health care and access to medicine denied to activist and political prisoner Esperanza Sánchez

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Social network users post threats, hate speech, and incitements to sexual violence against Kenia Gutiérrez

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Student leader Dolly Mora threatened, harassed and expelled from university

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Activist Aleyda Huete arbitrarily arrested and criminalized during Covid-19 curfew

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Defender harassed and insulted in social networks for denouncing unhealthy and overcrowded conditions of persons quarantined due to Covid-19.

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police arbitrarily detain, beat and threaten defender Irma Centeno

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police threaten and besiege home of defender Johana Ocón during March 8 commemoration

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Accusations, defamation and disparagement of Prensa Comunitaria and its reporters for coverage of March 8th march

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Activist Maria Gomez detained during search of home in Masaya

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Former political prisoner denounces police siege and forcible search of home

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police arbitrarily stop and hold Vice-Coordinator of Campesino Movement at Costa Rica/Nicaragua border

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Government backers launch smear campaign against women´s rights defender

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police harass and surveil home of lawyer and defender Yonarqui Martínez

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrest, imprisonment and torture of activist María Esperanza Sánchez

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Slander and smear campaign against young Salvadoran feminists

#WHRDAlert MEXICO / Attempt on the life of Guadalupe Michel Lima, daughter of defender Irinea Buendía

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police, paramilitary forces and State institutions threaten, harass and violate rights of released political prisoner Tania Muñoz

#WHRDAlert MEXICO / Artist and women human rights activist Isabel Cabanillas slain in Ciudad Juárez

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / OFRANEH member Karla Ignacia Piota Martínez dies from wounds inflicted in an attempt on her life last December 28

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Paramilitary forces besiege home of defender Reyna Rodríguez and make attempt on lives of son and nephew

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Government party supporters threaten and harass independent women journalists

#WHRDAlert MEXICO / Guerrero state police commit physical, sexual and patrimonial violence against indigenous defender Teodomira Rosales

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Psychological torture and cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment of political prisoner Neyma Hernández

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Criminalization and smear campaigns against defenders in Condega

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police repress political prisoners’ mothers in peaceful demonstration and reporters covering the news

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Amorales member convicted of denouncing sexual assaults at University of El Salvador

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Prison oficials beat political prisoner Amaya Coppens and subject her to degrading, inhuman treatment

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Paramilitary forces break into home of Ivania Alvárez, political prisoner since November 14

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Hate speech, threats, defamation and harassment of Women’s Collective of Matagalpa in social networks

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary detention, excessive use of force, groping and torture of Kenia Gutiérrez, Secretary of the Campesino Movement

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Cyber harassment, misogynous insults, and smear campaign in social networks against journalists Diana Arias and Carmen Rodríguez

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Intimidation, harassment, physical attack and theft of work equipment of activist Kosovo Estrada

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Hate crime and brutal physical attack against Alejandra Vega, LGBT rights defender in San Pedro Sula

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Police harassment of defenders Mirtha Gutiérrez and Angélica Álvarez, members of Protection International

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Attorney and human rights defender, Yonarqui Martínez, target of threats, harassment, and shots fired into her home

#WHRDAlert MEXICO / Yucatan court lets attempted homicide of Sandra Peniche go unpunished

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police intimidation and harassment, infringement of the right to protest, and hate speech against feminists in Matagalpa

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Assailants kill Garifuna defender and OFRANEH member María Digna Montero

#WHRDAlert MEXICO / Smear campaign in social networks against Lidia and Yizni Granados Corral

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Criminalization and harassment of the liberated political prisoner Maribel del Socorro Rodríguez

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Attempt on the life of Río Blanco community leader and COPINH member Rosalina Domínguez

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Attempted kidnapping and/or murder of Sandra Maribel Sánchez, human rights defender and Radio Progreso journalist

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arrest and criminalization of territorial defender María Concepción Hernández, ADEPZA member

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Defender María del Socorro Oviedo Delgado suspended from law practice

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Obstruction of the free exercise of human rights defense, intimidation, arbitrary detention, and aggression against defenders Elizabeth Medina and Katherin Cruz

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Assailants kill Paulina Cruz Ruiz, territorial defender and Maya Achi Ancestral Authority from Rabinal, Baja Verapaz

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Assailants kill Mirna Teresa Suazo, community leader and Garifuna territorial defender

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Environmental defender Diana Isabel Hernández killed

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Break-in at Petén Ixqik Women’s Association

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Physical, verbal and psychological attack against CALAS member Jennifer Domínguez

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / New death threats, intimidation and harassment against Rosalina Domínguez of COPINH

WHRDAlert MEXICO / Assailants kill Zenaida Pulido, defender of the right to truth, justice and reparations in the state of Michoacan

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / [UPDATE] Amorales Collective members criminalized for denouncing sexual assaults at University of El Salvador

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Cyber-bullying, threats, misogynist insults and smear campaign against journalist Karen Fernández

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / COPINH women land defenders detained and criminalized in Nueva Esperanza community

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Hate crime against Bessy Ferrera, trans activist and member of Arcoiris Association

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Racist insults and hate speech on social networks against Sandra Xinico, defender of indigenous rights and Op-ed columnist

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / ‘Cantera Los Manantiales’ security guards attack defender Irma Méndez

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Physical attack, intimidation and besiegement of Marcela Foster, defender of the right to self-determination and autonomy of indigenous peoples

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Defamation, smear campaigns and threats against Bessy Ríos, cyber-activist and human rights defender of women and sexual diversity

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Mobile surveillance and intimidadion of journalist Eleana Borjas, of Radio Progreso

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization of indigenous women defending Tolupan territory

#WHRDAlert MEXICO / Journalist Norma Sarabia Garduza killed in Tabasco

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Only hours after defender’s release, home and husband of Irlanda Jerez targeted by paramilitary forces

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Amorales Collective criminalized for denouncing sexual aggression at University of El Salvador

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Assailants kill APOMUH member Maricruz Tolvez in Choloma

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Threats of death and sexual violence against ICW-Latina’s Arely Cano and family members

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Kidnapping, forced disappearance and torture of student leader Zayda Hernández

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arbitrary arrest and intimidation of defenders of territory and natural assets of Azacualpa

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Death threats against Rosalina Domínguez, territorial defender and COPINH member

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arbitrary retention of OFRANEH members Miriam Miranda and Aurelia Arzu

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization of defenders of the territory and natural wealth of Choluteca

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Defamation and threats against Rosario Tuyuc, defender of territory and the rights of women and youth.

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Defender Claudia Samayoa criminalized for fighting corruption and impunity

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Besiegement, harassment and physical attacks against Marlen Chow and Jennifer Brown

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Sexual assault, physical attacks and threats against Nivia Vargas of ACI-Participa

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Soldiers use high-calibre arms to attack, threaten, intimidate and rob cell phones from #March 8th demonstrators in San Pedro Sula

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Attack on offices of Ecumenical Women for the Right to Decide damages mural dedicated to Berta Cáceres, Margarita Murillo and the Mirabal sisters

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Forced entry and theft of sensitive documentation and work equipment at offices of Women’s Sector for Political Alliance

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / We demand security for feminist and student organizations at the University of El Salvador

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Judicial intimidation and harassment of Miriam Miranda, OFRANEH Coordinator

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Attempted arbitrary arrest with use of force against defender and lawyer K’iche’ Jovita Tzul

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization of Lourdes Gómez and 31 defenders of the public assets of Tocoa

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Physical attack and hate crime against defenders Andrea and Lucía Ixchiu

WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrest of Justina del Carmen Orozco of the April 19th Student Movement

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Cyber attack on Las 17 website

#WHRDAlert MEXICO / Obtilia Eugenio, defender of indigenous peoples in Guerrero, reportedly disappeared

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Slander and smear campaign against Andrea Ayala and Bárbara Romero, defenders of women’s and LGBTI rights

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization and infringement of the freedom of expression of retired Police Commissioner María Luisa Borjas

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Surveillance, persecution and intimidation of Helen Mack, Director of the Myrna Mack Foundation

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arbitrary retention of vehicle and harassment of Miriam Miranda and OFRANEH members

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Defamation, criminalization and false accusations against feminist activist and communicator Briseida Milián

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Campaign of disparagement, defamation and accusations against defenders and journalists who support the CICIG

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Nicaraguan government arbitrarily arrests, prosecutes, and decrees preventive detention for journalist Lucía Pineda

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Harassment and intimidation of AUN university activists

NICARAGUA / Harassment, threats, intimidation, surveillance and political espionage against feminist defenders and activists

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Migratory criminalization and harassment of defenders Ana María Ara Sorribas, María Jesús Ara Sorribas and Beatrice Huber

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Eviction threat against defenders of the Trinidad Campesino Group in Trujillo, Colón

#WHRDAlertNICARAGUA / Siege, surveillance, persecution and intimidation campaign intensifies against Nicaraguan feminists

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Judicial harassment of Juana Carranza, territorial defender and CNTC member

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Campaign of stigmatization, defamation, criminalization and threats against the San Alonso Rodríguez Foundation and its Director in Tocoa, Colón

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Two-and-a-half-year prison sentences given to women defenders criminalized for defending the right to housing in “Brisas del Mirador” settlement

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Intimidation and infringement of rights to protest and to freedom of expression and mobilization, targeting women defenders, families of political prisoners, and CENIDH members

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Break-in at home of defender and social communicator Norma Sancir

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Between 20 and 25 hooded men break into cells of women political prisoners and brutally beat them

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization, excessive use of force, and paramilitary violence against women defenders of water in the Guapinol encampment

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / One year later judicial process reactivated against women human rights defenders and university activists

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA, HONDURAS / Stigmatization campaign and obstacles to exercising the right to defend the rights of Dunia Montoya and participants in Migrant Caravan

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrest and criminalization of defender Haydeé Castillo

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrest of more than 20 women human rights defenders and demonstrators reclaiming right to peaceful protest

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization and eviction threats against defenders of right to water in Tocoa, Colón

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary detention with excessive use of force against Doña Coquito and two other elderly women

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Femicide of Juana Ramírez Santiago, defender of the rights of the Network of Ixil Women

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Accusations, defamation, criminalization of British journalist Nina Lakhani

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Assailants attack LGBTI rights defender Stacy Velázquez during protest over CICIG mandate revocation

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Physical attack, insults and threats against Maria Elena Rivera in the Caravan to Free Political Prisoners

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Stones thrown against vehicle of defender Haydeé Castillo

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrest and excessive use of force against university activist Amaya Coppens, of CUDJ

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Threats, harrassment, smear campaigns, stigmatization and criminalization against Azahálea Solís, feminist attorney and human rights defender

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Physical violence, intimidation, psychological harrassment and threats against Andrea Ayala, of ESMULES

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Attempted break-in at Radio Güija

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Attempt on vehicle of Bertha Deleón, attorney and human rights defender

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary detention of the women students Iskra Malespín, Grecia Ramírez, Judith Mairena and Arianna Moraga, of the CUDJ and the ACDJ

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Criminalization, defamation, labeling and threats against Mónica López Baltodano and Haydée Castillo

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Criminalization of feminist defender Jennifer Brown, of Bluefields

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrests of CUDJ members and other persons exercizing their right to peaceful protest in Chinandega, León, Managua, Carazo and Matagalpa

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Sexual harassment, threats, detention and attempt on freedom of expression of journalist Rolanda de Jesús García

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Accusations, hate speech, defamation, disparagement and criminalization of women’s rights organizations in Matagalpa

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Attempted break-in at facilities of Transforming Women Association

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Assailants kill RACDES member Dina Yaseni Puente, defender of land, territory and common assets

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Agression and abuse of authority against journalist and rights defender Kency Gissel Grandez Durón, of C-Libre

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / We repudiate and demand justice for the femicide of defender and CODECA member, Juana Raymundo

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Criminalization, threats, siege and armed attack against Maritza Sevilla, her home and business

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrest of Irlanda Jerez, leader of self-convened citizens in Eastern Market

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Intimidation, surveillance, harassment, search and seizure of the home of Sandra Ramos, of the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Grave threats against defender Francisca Ramírez

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Threats and criminalization campaign against the Matagalpa Women’s Collective and Venancia Group

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Smear campaign, harassment and threats against journalist Maryórit de Fátima Guevara

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Judge obstructs right to defend rights of feminist organizations

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Alarming rise in attacks against women journalists

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrest and physical attacks against women peacefully protesting in Masaya

#WHRDAlert MEXICO / Arbitrary arrest and criminalization of Elsa Ángeles Vera and Leyla Chávez Arteaga

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Death threats, smear campaigns and harassment against women defenders in Nicaragua

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Attacks repeated against feminist defenders Haydeé Castillo, Sara Henríquez and Reyna Rodríguez

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Attacks, threats, defamation and harassment against women defenders in Diriomo-Diriá

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Defamation, criminalization and threats against members of the Association of Women Builders of Condega (AMCC)

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Smear campaign, criminalization and harassment against Jessica Cisneros, Yerling Aguilera and Madeleine Caracas

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Smear Campaign and threats against members of Las Amapolas Theatre Collective

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Attacls against women human rights defenders in Bluefields, León, Estelí and Managua

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Smear Campaign against journalist Lennys Fajardo

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization and judicial harassment against Yenis Zulay Rodríguez Velásquez

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Social network threats and harassment against the journalist Gilda Silvestrucci

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Repression against students including members of the April 19 Student Movement

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / No let up in the acts of aggression, harassment, criminalization and other attacks against women defenders in Nicaragua

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Violent eviction of Camp Dignity for Water and Life in Pajuiles encampment

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Far-flung attacks against women human rights defenders and students

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Threats, insults and community exclusion against Ángela Murillo, of the MADJ

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police and pro-government groups repress and attack defenders, students, journalists and demonstrators against Social Security reform

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Agents search home of COPINH Coordinator Lilian López’s son

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Restriction on rights to transit and information for defenders and journalists covering fire at Indio Maíz Biological Reserve

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Criminalization and violation of the freedom of expression of defenders of sexual and reproductive rights

#WHRDAlert MÉXICO / Attempted homicide of Sandra Peniche, #DSR defender in Yucatan

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Defenders attacked and denied rights to freedom of movement and protest

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / UPDATE. Prosecution and political prison for defender Aquelina Mejía

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arbitrary arrest and criminalization of Aquelina Mejía of the MADJ

#WHRDAlert MEXICO / Break-in and robbery at home of defenders Janahuy and Cristina Paredes Lachino

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Smear campaign, criminalization and prosecution of territorial defender in the Aguán

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / We demand compliance with protection measures granted to Tatiana and Meyra Alemán

#WHRDAlert MEXICO / Oaxaca Consortium denounces systematic pattern of attacks and impunity

#WHRDAlert MEXICO / Guadalupe Campanur ––defender of the environment and indigenous peoples–– killed in Cherán

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Military police repress and wound Elsa Corea in the context of the National Strike

WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Arbitrary arrest and criminalization of María Magdalena Cuc Choc

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Excessive force used to repress mainly women demonstrators opposing privatization of basic public services

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Smear campaign against Francisca Ramírez and Mónica López Baltodano of the Anti-Canal Movement

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Police forces intimidate demonstrators in San Juan Community, La Masica, Atlántida

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Disturbing situation of potential violence and repression against women defenders after elections

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Repression of the right to protest and the rights to free speech and movement of women human rights defenders on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Protection Measures Urgently Needed for Tatiana and Meyra Alemán and Other Witnesses in Case against Daniel Alemán

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / IACHR Commissioner Denied Entrance to Nicaragua

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Intimidation of Nancy García of the Broad University Movement (MAU)

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Attempt on the life of Lilian Angélica Juárez, defender of the rights of women and indigenous peoples

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Repression, Arbitrary Arrest and Criminalization of Women Territorial Defenders of the New Ebenezer Campesino Associative Enterprise

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Murder of Celedonia Zalazar: community judge and defender of indigenous territory on Caribbean Coast

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Attacks, arbitrary arrest and criminalization of defenders Hedme Castro and Tommy Morales during UNAH evacuation

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arbitrary arrest with excessive use of force against UNAH students

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization, defamation and stigmatization of Dinia Yasmin Sarmiento Suárez and Suany Ibeth Sánchez Argueta

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Update. Prosecution persists against housing right defenders

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization of Miriam Miranda, OFRANEH General Coordinator

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arrest, cruel and inhuman treatment, and criminalization of Cristian Marisol Hernández, defender in Villa de San Francisco

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Threats, criminalization and repression of defenders of the rights to health and territory

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Police use violence to oust camp of UNAH students on hunger strike

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / More arbitrary arrests of WHRD of the right to water in Paujiles

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization of Garifuna OFRANEH Members for Territorial Defense

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arbitrary Detention of Angélica Recinos and comrades of the Honorable Camp for Water and Life in Paujiles

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Criminalization of Workers’ Rights Defenders at Sae Technotex

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Closure threats against Garifuna community radio station Radio Waruguma in Trujillo

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Attempt on the life of Bertha Zuniga, daughter of Bertha Cáceres and COPINH Coordinator

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Harrassment, threats and attempt on the life of Lesbia Artola

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Police break into home of defender Sonia Sánchez

#WHRDAlert MEXICO / Defender Meztli Sarabia Killed in Puebla

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / UNAH-CU students attacked, arrested and criminalized during peaceful takeover

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization of representatives of the La Jarcia Community, member of COPINH

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Gunmen threaten Aura Lolita Chávez and CPK

#WHRDAlert MEXICO-Tamaulipas / Murder of Miriam Elizabeth Rodriguez Martínez of the Community in Search of the Disappeared in Tamaulipas (CBDT)

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrest, excessive use of force and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment against Aydil del Carmen Urbina Noguera

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization and arrest warrants for members of Regional Agrarian Platform of the Aguán Valley

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Attempt against son of anti-canal leader Francisca Ramírez

#WHRDAlertNICARAGUA / Abuse of authority; imprisonment; and cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment of defender Thelma Francisca Suárez Oliva

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Anti-rights groups attack peaceful ‘Somos Muchas’ encampment

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Illegal detention, infringement of the rights of defenders of the Broad Front for Democracy to free circulation and protest

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Attempt on the physical integrity of Hedme Castro, of ACI-Participa

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Onda Local radio program taken off air

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Hate crime against Sherly Montoya, LGTTBI defender and member of Transexual Women´s Group “Muñecas de Arcoiris”

#WHRDAlert MEXICO / Assassination of journalist Miroslava Breach in Chihuahua

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Campaign of harassment, defamation and threats stepped up against Nicaraguan rights defenders

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Mistreatment, Sexual exploitation, Extrajudicial execution and femicide against The Interns of the Virgin of the Assumption Safe Home

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Women cabinet members and government oficials defame and slander CENIDH President Vilma Nuñez

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Death threat against Lottie Cunningham, defender of the rights of indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arrest and Harassment of OPDHA Secretary Irma Lemus

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Criminalization and excessive use of force in evicting housing rights defenders

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Article censored on smear campaign against CICIG

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Harrassment and criminalization of CEM-H for demanding #JusticeForBerta

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Criminalization and obstruction of Women on Waves Campaign for the sexual and reproductive rights of women

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Alarming increase in hate crimes and culture against LGBTTTI persons

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS – SPANISH STATE / Physical attack against Arely Victoria Gómez, Honduran LGBTTTI defender and refugee in Spanish State

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Assailants kill territorial defender, Laura Leonor Vásquez

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Detention and threats against OFRANEH Coordinator Miriam Miranda

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Criminalization of land defenders in Santa Inés, Alta Verapaz

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Smear campaign intensifies, threats and verbal misogynous attacks against Margarita Posada, Coordinator of the National Health Forum

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Harassment and threats against Indigenous Councils of Nueva Esperanza, San Isidro Labrador and Santiago Apostol


#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Police confiscate work vehicles from defender Francisca Ramírez


#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Nicaraguan government represses right to peaceful protest against imposition of Grand Interoceanic Canal


#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / #LGBTI rights defender Sulma Alegría murdered


#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Harassment and and represssion of UNAG students exercising their right to peaceful protest


#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Concern about the increase in attacks of various kinds against members of UDEFEGUA


#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arbitrary arrest, excessive use of force and criminalizaion of Madeline Martina David Fernández, member of OFRANEH


#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arbitrary detention and excessive use of force against defenders Karla Lara and Sandra Sánchez


#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Police violently repressed peaceful march of COPINH


#WHRDAlert / COPINH members at risk after new attempts on lives of General Coordinator and community leader


#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Excessive use of force against members of Nuevo Ebenezer campesino group


#WHRDAlert Arbitrary detention of members of September 28th Campaign & Nicaraguan Initiatiative of WHRDs


#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Preventive detention for defender Wendy Morales despite lack of evidence against her

#AlertaDefensoras Iduvina Hernández 31082016 ENG
#AlertaDefensoras Iduvina Hernández 31082016 ENG

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Criminalization of journalist and human rights defender, Iduvina Hernández, Director of SEDEM

#AlertaDefensoras gabriela diaz y karen mejia (25082016) eng
#AlertaDefensoras gabriela diaz y karen mejia (25082016) eng

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Arbitrary arrest and subseqüent release of GABRIELA DÍAZ and KAREN MEJÍA


#AlertaDefensoras Lolita Chávez 00772016 eng
#AlertaDefensoras Lolita Chávez 00772016 eng

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Public threats made against Aura Lolita Chávez Ixcaquic for her defense of the territory and natural resources in Quiche province

#AlertaDefensoras Lesbia Janeth Urquía 08072016 ENG
#AlertaDefensoras Lesbia Janeth Urquía 08072016 ENG

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Lesbia Janeth Urquía slain: environmental defender and COPINH member

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Forced entry and property damage at Acción Ya Shelter

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Threats against journalists and defenders who opposed military parade

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Repression of UNAH student movement’s right to protest


#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary arrest of Francisca Ramírez and members of Mesoamerican Caravan for Good Living

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Excessive use of force against defender Bessy Rios and repression of her right to protest

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Smear campaign against Margarita Posada, National Health Forum Coordinator

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Murder of workers’ rights defender Marleni Estrada

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Arbitrary Detention; Degrading treatment, cruel and inhumane; and criminalization against Arelys Cano Meza

#WHRDAlert MESOAMERICA / Inter-American Comission on Human Rights (IACHR) in danger of shutting downf for lack of funds.

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Intimidation and death threats against Ana Mirian Romero, territorial defender of MILPAH and the Indigenous Council of San Isidro Labrador

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization of Carolina Castillo, defender of New Armenia territory and OFRANEH member.

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Assailant kills Alejandra Padilla, #LGBTTTI human rights defender and member of the Coalition against Impunity

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Intimidation and threats against Sara Curruchich and members of Solidarity Festivals

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Attack on members of COPINH and other national and international organizations at "Berta Cáceres Vive" gathering

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / UPDATE - Criminalization against Orbelina Flores

#WHRDAlert MEXICO / Repeated attacks against Rita Amador, Meztli Sarabia and members of UPVA “28 de octubre”



#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization of Orbelina Flores Hernández

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / COPINH members in Río Lindo, Cortés


#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Criminalization against BLANCA JULIA AJTÚN and CODECA members

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Physical attack on Gabriela García and her partner Carlos Bonilla, members of the Nicaraguan Democratic Movement (MDN)

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Forced entry at AMIFANIC and theft of equipment containing confidential information

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / RAINBOW ASSOCIATION and #LGBTTTI human rights defenders at great risk

#WHRDAlert MEXICO / Supporting Cristina Auerbach and the organization “Familia Pasta de Conchos”

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Assassination of WHRD Rosalinda Pérez, leader of the Blanca Caserío Barrio Nuevo community, Jocotán Chuiquimula

#WHRDAlert GUATEMALA / Justice for women today! #CasoSepurZarco

#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Mariela Lissette Molina Peña

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / FESPAD members Bertha de León and Teresa Naves face harassment, intimidation, and threats

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / New attack against WHRD Irma Lemus: Attempt on her life

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Women Human Rights Defenders of CEM-H and the Women’s Network of Colonia Cruz Roja

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Criminalization, death threats against Sonia Sanchez, defender of the territory

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Feminist Collective for Local Development and Citizen Association for the Decriminalization of Therapeutic Abortion, Ethics and Eugenics

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Acts of intimidation, harassment, and threats against Elizabeth Zúniga

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Sonia Isabel Gáleas, Gerardina Santos Hernández and Norma Suyapa Herrera


#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Alejandra Cabrera & Haideé Paz

#WHRDAlert EL SALVADOR / Organizations and individuals that defend #HumanRights and #LGBTI rights



#WHRDAlert NICARAGUA / Radio Voice of Women

#WHRDAlert HONDURAS / Criminalization against Gladys Lanza

We are


Mesoamerican Initiative of Women Human Rights Defenders

We call our political project to take care of ourselves together:

Feminist Holistic Protection (FHP)

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women network